The 7th Sammy the Cat Memorial Lecture was delivered
by most of those who attended the Annual Convention of Archers Anarchists held on Saturday 22 February 2014. It took the form of numerous quasi "tweets". Some are recorded below, some are
lost and some we havent got around to adding yet.
Sammy The Cat Memorial Lecture - February
For 17 years I slept on your bed
Then Captain appeared and you loved him instead.
Do you think of me much; am I still in your head?
Too late now, you old cow
Cos I'm effing well dead! (Dave)
Being Sammy the Cat meant a life full of fune.
He had nine lives; Will's dog - only one.
You were black and white just like a badger,
If Daveeed had the chance, he would have 'ad yer. (Pam Shelley)
From his furry feline heaven Sammy the Cat entreats his mistress:
"For Felix sake just leave it all to the Borsetshire Cats Home" (Barbara
I'm white I'm black I'm Sammy the Cat
For 17 years I gave Peggy cheers
After my demise with tears in her eyes
My void was filled by Ben & Bill (Adam Brown)
Here lies Sammy the Cat
Sorely missed and twice as fat.
His fate is known to all and sundry.
He was despatched by Wiwyerm Grundy. (Sandy Brown)
Would Peggy's money still go to Tom if she knew what was in his prototype sausage? RIP
Sammy (Eileen Riley Arms)
@sammythe cat I remember you whenever my eye is caught by #kittenwithaballofwool. Not much
else to do except stare at the ornaments now Rob wont let me out of the house. (Sue Brearley)
Sammy th cat was a very fat cat
And Peggoi Woolley always wore a hat
Sadly Sammy's mow not quite so fat
And Peggoi is a mad old bat (Duncan Moore)
Sammy had to die as none of his previous bids for freedom from nauseating Peggy were
successful. This was his last and only other option! (Jill Cove)
Oh, Sammoi the Cat,
Peggoi's portly back pussoi,
Who died at Wiwyerm's hands,
suffocated by pheasant carcass,
brown bread like Jeck (Peter Mastin)
Poor Sammy. Peggoi's beloved cat cruelly murdered by Wiwyerm. A martyr, forever commemorated by Archers Anarchists (Julian & Jeanne Sherwood & Mrs
I recently met some cove, said he'd bumped into Sammy at an audition for James Heriot. Said Sammy had submitted a request to be killed off, a question of dignity he said.
Bloody fantasist! (Nick Gwyther)
Farewell then Sammy, General of the Feline Legions, loyal servant to the true empress of Ambridge Peggy Woolley, owner of a murderered cat. You will have your vengeance, in this
life or the next (Veronika)